• ”Contemporary Family” at Bucharest International Theater Platform # 2

    ”Contemporary Family” at Bucharest International Theater Platform # 2 Bucharest International Theater Platform, the newest project intiated by Romanian Association for Performing Arts in 2014 and coproduced with ARCUB- Center for cultural projects of the City of Bucharest has won funding from both UNITER (Romanian guild association) and AFCN (Romanian Cultural Fond) for 2015 edition. The…

  • Bucharest International Theater Platform # 3 - The Other/Migration

    Platforma Internațională de Teatru București PITB #3 a avut loc la ARCUB Gabroveni  în octombrie 2016 și a inclus spectacole din Marea Britanie, Statele Unite și România. Curatoarea platformei, cunoscutul critic de teatru Cristina Modreanu, a ales pentru ediția a 3-a tema Celălalt/Migrație, plecând de la evenimente care afectează întreaga Europă și a selectat cele mai reprezentative producții și prezentări care o dezbat. Astfel,…

  • EQUAL- feminist theater playwriting project

    Scena.ro performing arts magazine initiated in 2016 the feminist playwriting contest EQUAL with the aim to empower women theater writers and creators in Romania. ”Starting from the fact that the number of women wrriters for the theater is very low in Romanian theater and the themes of the new plays staged here very rarely include specific…

  • Tadeusz Kantor Dossier in Scena.ro

    Scena.ro is entering the 7th year of publication Performing arts magazine Scena.ro, ARPAS's oldest project started its 7th year with a special edition dedicate to one of the greatest theater makers of the 20th century, whose traces can still be detected in the contemporary stage: Tadeusz Kantor. Issue number 28 (1)/2014 includes a special Dossier…

  • Ibsen feminine and feminist

    Romanian Association for Performing Arts is producing in 2015 three new shows based on Henrik Ibsen's play and directed by Carmen Lidia Vidu, Ioana Păun și Catinca Drăgănescu. The new productions will cast only feminine interprets chosen after a national casting organized in November 2014. The new Ibsen productions are using new means of expression…