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Romanian Association for Performing Arts (ARPAS)

Romanian Association for Performing Arts (ARPAS) is a NGO founded in 2011 by a group of young cultural managers (Cristina Modreanu, Florentina Bratfanof, Ciprian Marinescu) aims to promote, stimulate and contribute to the diversification of the contemporary live art through cultural exchanges within the performing arts sector between Romania and the world.

ARPAS is also the publisher of the performing arts magazine Scena.ro and coordinates a book series dedicated to performing arts, published with support from the National Theater in Timisoara. ARPAS constantly works to intermediate international cultural exchanges – concerts, lectures, panel discussions. (http://www.revistascena.ro/en).  

In November 2014 ARPAS started her most ambitious project as of now, Bucharest International Theater Platform. The first edition with the theme Future is feminine was coproduced with ARCUB - Cultural Center of the City of Bucharest and curated by Cristina Modreanu ARPAS president. The anual event is meant to compensate a lack of international productions presented in Bucharest, a city defining itself as a true European Capital.

We are grateful to our partners for their generous support which have helped to make our projects happen every year:

ARCUB – Cultural Center of the City of Bucharest, UNITER – Romanian Theater Guild, CNDB – National Center of the Dance, British Council Romania, Polish Institute, Royal Embassy of Norway in Bucharest, Goethe Institut, United States Embassy, German Embassy in Bucharest, JTI, National Theater in Timisoara, Odeon Theater, Masca Theater, National Theater ”Radu Stanca” in Sibiu, National Romanian Administration for Cultural Funding, Mic Theater, Comedy Theater and PRoHelvetia.


photo - ARPAS funding members