is entering the 7th year of publication
Performing arts magazine, ARPAS's oldest project started its 7th year with a special edition dedicate to one of the greatest theater makers of the 20th century, whose traces can still be detected in the contemporary stage: Tadeusz Kantor. Issue number 28 (1)/2014 includes a special Dossier dedicated to the Tadeusz Kantor Centenary and bring into new perspective his work placed in a liminal space, between visual arts, happening and dance, as the specialists' articles demonstrate. The Dossier is titled How to celebrate cultural memory - Tadeusz Kantor Centenary and it is published with support from Polish Institute.
Issue number 28 opens with a consistent interview with Thomas Ostermeier on the occasion of Cluj Interferences Festival, the most important theater event in 2014 in Romania. The well known German director talks about his working process and about his intense relationship with actors underlining that he believes they must regain the power in theater. He also speaks about what he calls "Capitalist realism" in the contemporary theater and his political and historical considerations confirm that Ostermeier is a theater maker with a great attention for the world he lives in.
Other important contributions are the articles on the theater festivals and the columns of the constant collaborators of Marian Popescu comments the lack of interest for audience development of Romanian public theaters, Mihaela Michailov writes about the very intense one-decade history of the National Center for Dance, Saviana Stanescu analyses the permanent competition between Broadway and Hollywood and Ionut Sociu sends a letter to his colleague Sebastian Vlad Popa writing to him about the importance of the participative art.
An emotional but pertinent intervention comes from actress Andreea Bibiri who pleads in her text, Confession of an Actress, for a feminine perspective in Romanian theater.
The special issue dedicated to Kantor was launched at Odeon Theater in Bucharest with support from Polish Institute.