Screenplay and directing: Carmen Lidia Vidu
Actress: Aura Călărașu
Singer: Cătălina Antal
Set-design: Constantin Ciubotaru / Cristina Milea
Original music composed and recorded by Ovidiu Chihaia
Video: Cristina Baciu
Criticizing society does not require too much risk, especially nowadays with the seemingly democratic digital mediums in the western world where one can express her/his views without the threat of dropping out of the crowd. Building the structural alternative is the hardest part.
Concept & Directing: Catinca Drăgănescu
Dramaturgy: Mihaela Michailov
Set-desig: Ioana Pashca
Coreography: Mihaela Culda
Video and sound artist: Octavian Diaconescu
Cast: Ada Lupu, Ruxandra Maniu, Elena Popa , Dana Voicu, Antoaneta Zaharia