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Me, a doll house


Screenplay and directing: Carmen Lidia Vidu
Actress: Aura Călărașu
Singer: Cătălina Antal
Set-design: Constantin Ciubotaru / Cristina Milea
Original music composed and recorded by Ovidiu Chihaia
Video: Cristina Baciu

An enemy of the people, concept and directing Ioana Păun


Criticizing society does not require too much risk, especially nowadays with the seemingly democratic digital mediums in the western world where one can express her/his views without the threat of dropping out of the crowd. Building the structural alternative is the hardest part.

Ibsen Incorporated


Concept & Directing: Catinca Drăgănescu
Dramaturgy: Mihaela Michailov
Set-desig: Ioana Pashca
Coreography: Mihaela Culda
Video and sound artist: Octavian Diaconescu
Cast: Ada Lupu, Ruxandra Maniu, Elena Popa , Dana Voicu, Antoaneta Zaharia